Toys and Electronics

Toys, Games, and Electronics Policy

Click here to download the Killarney Toys, Games, and Electronics Policy

There will be no games, toys, or electronics allowed at Killarney Elementary.
These items are disruptive to a positive learning environment for students.

Examples of items not allowed at school:

  • iPads and tablets

  • Speakers and music playing devices

  • Handheld gaming devices

  • Trading cards

Cell Phones 

If a student brings a cell phone to school, it must remain turned off and in their backpack at all times. Students found using a cell phone during school hours will have their phone taken away.

If an item is confiscated from a student at school, a parent or guardian may pick up the item at their convenience. 

We want all Killarney students to have an interruption-free learning experience each
and every day. This policy also helps prevent any items from being lost, damaged, or misplaced. We appreciate your help and support with this matter.