Testing Information

Family Assessment Information

F.A.S.T. = Florida Assessment of Student Thinking
ELA = English and Language Arts (Reading)
5th graders also take CFE's (Course Final Exams) in art, music, health, and P.E.

Students in grades 3-5 take their FAST test three times a year to monitor their progress.
You may see these called PM1, PM2, and PM3. These take place in the beginning of the school year, mid-school year, and at the end of the school year. Please refer to the school calendar for exact dates.
Assessment Fact Sheets 

K-2 Fact Sheet

3-5 Fact Sheet

5th Grade Science

Grades K - 2

Sample Items for Grades K - 2

K-2 Accommodations Guide

Grades 3 - 5

Understanding FAST Score Reports For Families - English.pdf

Understanding FAST Reports For Families - Spanish.pdf

Sample Items for Grades 3 - 5

3-5 Accomodations Guide

Family Portal

Checking your student's scores in Skyward

Accessing the FAST Family Portal

FL Dept. of Education Family Portal